Small Carnivore Food 1kg

Regular price $26.67

Wombaroo Small Carnivore Food is a live food substitute for sugar gliders, bandicoots, carnivorous marsupials, rodents, echidna and any other animals which include insects as a part of their diet. Fortified with essential amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins & minerals.

Key Features

  • High protein food to supplement the insect component in the diet of small carnivorous mammals.
  • Fortified with essential amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins & minerals.
  • Contains taurine, an essential nutrient for carnivores.

Analysis - Protein 38%, Fat 12%, Carbohydrate 32%, Energy 16 MJ/kg

Directions for Use

Slowly add the water, while mixing to form a moist crumbly food. Do not make into a paste. To encourage intake mix in with live insects such as crickets, moths, cockroaches and mealworms. Store prepared food refrigerated for a day or frozen for up to 2 weeks.

Dunnarts, Antechinus, Kowari & Quolls: Small Carnivore Food can represent up to 80% of the total diet. Supplement with crickets, moths, grasshoppers, spiders and day old mice or chicks.

Sugar Gliders, Pygmy Possums & Bandicoots: These are omnivorous species and Small Carnivore Food can represent up to 20% of the total diet. Also feed Wombaroo High Protein Supplement dispersed over fruit.

Echidna & Numbat: Mix prepared Small Carnivore Food with about 10% crushed termite mound and some live termites. Extra water may be added to make into a liquid slurry.

Hopping mice, Rats & Mice: Small Carnivore Food can represent 10-20% of the total diet.

Insectivorous Bats: Feed as a maintenance diet while supplementing with moths, beetles and a few mealworms.

Feeding Live Food - Live food is important nutritionally, but also helps maintain natural foraging behaviour in captive animals. There are considerable differences in composition between mature and immature (larval stage) of insects. Animals that prey on mature insects such as moths, beetles and crickets should not be fed large numbers of larval stage insects such as mealworms, as these contain higher levels of fat and can lead to obesity. The nutritional value of feeder insects may be improved by maintaining them on Passwell Insect Booster.